When you are starting a business or creating something of your own, figuring out what’s right, best and most effective for you and your business can be one of the hardest things. There’s no template on the shared drive to use, there’s no one from senior leadership providing guidance on your work or prospects. There’s no painted lines or street signs……it’s just you.
Why Brand Mission Matters
I never knew the mission of the first organization I worked for. Throughout my career I’ve seen missions on elevator doors, on conference room walls, in small frames at front desks and on letterhead. But I always wondered, who were these external placements really for and was anyone stopping to really read and process?
Why Brand Strategy Matters
What comes to mind when someone asks you about your brand? Most likely it is your logo, followed by your product, maybe your name, and then your website. But your brand is not just these things, it’s all of this and much more. It’s the feelings someone has when they use your product or see your logo and the pride they feel when they’ve gifted or recommended a product or service you’ve created.
Strategy can feel like a big, confusing, multi-meaning word, and it is, brand strategy encompasses a lot of things. But here are four key components that live within brand strategy and why they should matter to you…
Help Others Do Good on Giving Tuesday
Both through Ladder and as an individual, I envision a world where we feel this way every week. Eager to talk about the organizations that matter to us, easily communicating the impact they’ve made in our lives and willing to not only give of our resources, but in some instances double our financial gifts. Read more to learn how you can give to some clients and friends of Ladder.
The E in CEO
What is the Difference between a Mission and a Vision?
It’s a frequently asked question among clients, “What is the difference between a Mission and a Vision?” And if you’ve asked this, you are not alone, the two are often mistakenly misused or substituted for one another. There is indeed a difference. Your mission is what you do every single day and your vision is what you are working towards, whether that be for your organization specifically or for the world globally.
Let’s take a look at an evolved Mission statement for a brand you will likely use this week and a Vision statement that shows you how to think bigger.