When you are starting a business or creating something of your own, figuring out what’s right, best and most effective for you and your business can be one of the hardest things. There’s no template on the shared drive to use, there’s no one from senior leadership providing guidance on your work or prospects. There’s no painted lines or street signs……it’s just you.
Ladder Celebrates Year One
Today marks Ladder’s official one-year anniversary!
As I thought about ways to celebrate this day, one goal and idea surfaced to the top. Inspiring others to give. I started Ladder with a simple driving goal, “Help Others Do Good.” In celebration of being in business for one year, I’m asking others to join the charge and do something good for someone else, to do good works.
Year In Review
Help Others Do Good on Giving Tuesday
Both through Ladder and as an individual, I envision a world where we feel this way every week. Eager to talk about the organizations that matter to us, easily communicating the impact they’ve made in our lives and willing to not only give of our resources, but in some instances double our financial gifts. Read more to learn how you can give to some clients and friends of Ladder.
Even Your Yoga Pants Can Give Back: Brands with Social Impact
The millennial consumer and the ever-growing expectation for transparency and social impact have changed the way we shop. There’s never been a better time for for-profit brands to share their values. Consumers want to know what issues brands care about and what those brands are doing to use their power to create change.
What is your brand’s relevant and meaningful social impact and how are you making it known?
Starbucks: A Culture of Warmth and Belonging
Why does it continue to seem that things have to go wrong first, for people and businesses to talk about and more outwardly share their values?
We must have physical and external ways to show others the things we care about, the things that drive us internally. For Starbucks that external display is companywide closure, and this isn’t the only one that’s happened in my coffee drinking years. After all, many people go to Starbucks for a taste of community, not just a taste of coffee.